Mobility plan
Track 1 : Innovative materials and functional materials recycling
In the first track, students study Innovative Materials and Functional Materials Recycling. They spend the first year in Bordeaux and the second year they are enrolled in Darmstadt, where they study the third semester. Track 1 deals with the development of innovative materials and on the recycling of functional materials.
Track 2 : Innovative Materials and Circular Economy
In the second track, students study Innovative Materials and Circular Economy. They spend the first year in Bordeaux and the second year they are in enrolled in Madrid, where they study the third semester. Track 2 also deals with the development of innovative materials, put in the context of the circular economy.
Track 3 : Polymer Recycling and Functional Materials Recycling
In the third track, students study Polymer Recycling and Functional Materials Recycling. They spend the first year in Miskolc and the second year they are enrolled in Darmstadt, where they study the third semester. Track 3 tackles the recycling of two specific types of materials: polymers and functional materials.
Track 4 : Polymer and Metals Engineering and Recycling
In the fourth track, students study Polymer and Metals Engineering and Recycling. They spend the first year in Miskolc and the second year they are enrolled Liège, where they study the third semester. Track 4 addresses the recycling of two types of materials: polymers and metals, with an additional focus on engineering
Track 5 : Materials Engineering and Circular Economy
In the fifth track, students study Materials Engineering and Circular Economy. They spend the first year in Lisbon and the second year they are enrolled in Madrid, where they study the third semester. Track 5 deals with materials engineering broadly speaking, put in the context of the circular economy.
Track 6 : Materials Engineering and Metals Recycling
In the sixth track, students study Materials Engineering and Metals Recycling. They spend the first year in Lisbon and the second year they are enrolled in Liège, where they study the third semester. Track 6 tackles materials engineering broadly speaking and the recycling of metallic materials.